Sunday, 7 April 2019

For Book's Sake

My second book came out on April 5th, and it's fair to say I was pretty stressed about it. There were so many things to think about; cover design, release date, pricing, promotional material, review sites, advance copies..... I think I slept an average of four hours a night in the run-up. To be honest, writing the darn thing was easier.

Now it's out, and it's a different kind of stress. Will people read it? Will they like it? Will they - please, by all that's holy - leave  a review? And what about the advertising; facebook ads, tweets, instagram posts....? It's relentless. 

Stress is weird. I thrive on it to a certain extent - well, I work in live TV so pressure is a constant companion. On the days I'm not on air, the lack of stress makes me feel not quite whole. I actively seek to fill the gap by piling things on my 'to do' list, much to the irritation of my family. I find it hard to switch off. 

They say a little stress is good for you, and in fact researchers have found that a little challenge in your life (NOT a massive trauma, that is) makes you better prepared for when things really go wrong. Those with a history of some adverse life events have less disability and higher life satisfaction than those with no negative life events. 

In other words, a little of what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. So maybe my book-stress is toughening me up.  

On the downside, the cookie jar has had a bit of a hammering. Not to mention the red wine. According to the Mental Health Foundation, 46% of people eat unhealthily or drink too much when they're stressed. 

So if you guys can help me out by downloading my book and leaving reviews, you'd be doing me a kindness. I promise I'll stop dipping my oreos into my shiraz as a pick-me-up.

Daughter of Kali: Unholy Alliance is now on Amazon on special offer for just 99p or $1.29 until April 15th. Click here to download it wherever you are.

Thank you. And remember - a good book is just what you need to help you relax!